
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 NBA Rookie Scale Rankings: No. 10 Chicago Bulls - The Athletic

So, the Bulls.

Honestly, I think this is probably the toughest team I’ve had to evaluate thus far, and in large part it has to do with the contextual factors surrounding each player. Overall, should the team be trying to win now? Or should this be considered a developmental year? Do these things have to be mutually exclusive?

• RELATED: The complete Rookie Scale Prospect Rankings can be found here.

And most importantly, what to make of Jim Boylen? At the end of the day, I think Boylen is a big part of why the Bulls lose games. His offensive scheme isn’t particularly strong, and it doesn’t accentuate the strengths of his players. Our own Stephen Noh has done an awful lot of good work on that front. Often, it actually puts them in tougher positions. Additionally, Boylen’s time management drives me nuts. He consistently harms his team with the way he manages timeouts and end of game situations. A great example of that occurred earlier...

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December 31, 2019 at 08:51PM

2019 NBA Rookie Scale Rankings: No. 10 Chicago Bulls - The Athletic
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