
Sunday, October 14, 2018

BF+DA's Stars Bring Sustainable Fashion To The Shops At Columbus Circle, NY

Venture Fellow at the Brooklyn Fashion Design AcceleratorBrooklyn Fashion Design Accelerator

The golden piggy bank that sits on a shelf in the Director of the Brooklyn Fashion + Design Accelerator, Debera Johnson’s office serves as a reminder of her mission, to make a platform for people with a social purpose to build viable, design-based businesses.  Deb, formerly chair of the industrial design department at Pratt started an incubator center with the school in 2002. “Pratt wasn’t totally sure what the end goal would be, but they believed in the idea and could see the potential for the school.” When asked how the idea started, she says “I became really frustrated with seeing all of these brilliant student projects ending up as portfolio pieces and just evaporating. I watched both of my parents start businesses, so it made sense to create a place for entrepreneurs.”

In 2005 she stepped down as chair of Pratt/ID to launch what became the BF+DA, 20,000 square feet located in the old Pfizer building in Brooklyn. It seems the golden pig is doing its job in keeping a strong business focus.  The BF+DA has been more successful than most in raising funds to support both materials research and the launch of the businesses it incubates. Last year they received close to $2 million, including $500,000 dollars from Eric Adams, Brooklyn’s Borough President. Several brands it has launched over the years are now clearing the million dollar mark. In addition to fostering innovation and providing the missing link between ideas and the market, the BF+DA has a strong sustainability focus.

“I had a professor who said something to me that I’ve never forgotten,” says Debera. He said “protect your integrity, it’s your most valuable asset.” “We are in an age where people are thinking about what kind of world they want to leave for their grandchildren. And, technology, especially bio-tech, is going to be the cornerstone of sustainability in their future.” As we walk through the space, she points out some of the latest fabrics and products being developed.  There’s the knitted pressure sensitive glove that is working towards making it possible for the elderly to do physical therapy from home while online with a therapist. This could be invaluable for those with mobility issues. “We hear so much about the development of smart garments and wearables for athletes, but what about performance and health enhancement materials for our elders?” This again from Deb as she shows me an EKG material that is so soft and beautiful you can’t believe it’s full of electromagnetic dampening copper wire that can read your heart rate. If successful, it may open up an entirely new area of fashion that doubles as support for our health. The possibility that hospital machinery could feel more natural and become smaller and less expensive is exciting. Anything that makes hospitals feel less intimidating and more enjoyable, is going to ultimately lead to better health and less strain on our health care system. Imagine keeping track of your heart rate in a lovely, cozy scarf as opposed to being hooked up to a machine in the ER.

Tek-tile from the Brooklyn Fashion Design AcceleratorBrooklyn Fashion Design Accelerator

One member of BF+DA, using reflective materials, has invented a bicycle jacket that provides greater safety with light along the sleeves and can be programmed to signal right and left. It also has a GPS tracker that will advise cyclists of upcoming turns. On the interactive front, there’s a AR  fabric that turns into wings when you hover your phone over it offering up the potential for future fashions that can be updated every month to offer new experiences. Another use could be to allow feedback and participation from audiences at fashion shows or simply to help people update their wardrobe.

September 2018 the Shops at Columbus Circle gave space to sell and share their message of sustainability with the public to 8 BF+DA brands that include Study NY, a womenswear brand that focuses on zero waste production, Arteaga, a company that works with artisans around the world to create sustainable luxury deeply rooted in heritage craft. Crystalyn Kae Accessories makes handbags using sustainable materials; Make It Black encourages consumers to extend the life or their garments by over-dyeing them black, a perfect fit for New Yorkers; Fair Harbor makes shorts and swim trunks with fabric made from recycled plastics “farmed” from the oceans; Grammar designs enduring classics with the idea that this will result in less waste. Their motto is that they want to make “the only white shirt you’ll ever need to own.” Querencia Studio addresses social and environmental issues within the fashion industry by using the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as its basis. It’s one of the first times a large retail organization has given such prominent placement to conscious fashion and a smart move on the part of The Shops at Columbus Circle to be at the forefront of this growing trend.

BF+DA credits their success to their systems approach which focuses on 3 key areas and the fact that they see themselves offering the missing link between research and commercialization. The first is mentorship to support business as they cross the barrier to scale, a particularly vulnerable time for fashion businesses. The mentorship goes beyond business development to build a long term plan focused on reducing environmental impacts and ensuring equitable labor. BF+DA’s Venture Fellows work with in-house mentors and a network of industry masterminds in technology, marketing, fashion, business and more.  All Venture Fellows get a 200 square foot studio with allocated desk and storage and beautiful views of NYC. The 24-month residency costs from $500 to $1,000 dollar per month.

The second part of their systems approach is in-house manufacturing. Fellows have access to seamless knitters, cut and sew production, and digitized design, patternmaking and pattern cutting, 3D printers and laser cutters all of which are invaluable and key to the kind of materials exploration that creates valuable innovation. Then there’s the fact that the biggest hurdle for young businesses are large production and supply chain minimums required by traditional factories. At BF+DA, businesses can do short runs in house. Take Kordal, one of their brands who was able to expand from knitting 10 pieces at a time on a hand operated machine, to 200 on the computerized seamless knitting machine in our production lab. Without access to these facilities and machines her business could never have achieved the margins needed to grow. “Our companies aren’t necessarily looking to become 500 million dollar companies. Most of our venture fellows want to build a 2 million dollar company built on sustainable values and have a positive impact on the world.” By helping companies build a long term sustainable road map connected to core values from the beginning, it’s built into their corporate culture and they implement these strategies as they grow. Existing brands struggle with changing their internal culture.” With growing consumer individualism and entrepreneurship, smaller business models that have greater flexibility and adaptability may just be the future of business.

The third element is perhaps the most unique and is what sets BF+DA apart. The Accelerator is focused on manufacturing solutions and addressing world problems by creating materials that can be put on the market on a small scale to be user tested and validated. For example, the federally funded 2018 TEK-TILES program brought together 14 highly creative masterminds in the worlds of iOT, AI, design, textile engineering, biology and more to work alongside the BF+DA’s apparel production team for 10 weeks. The goal was to invent products that sustainably integrate technology into smart garments and functional textiles. Many of these textiles are slated to be included in the Material Connexion Library. To date they’ve collaborated with 8 different universities including NYU, The Royal College of Art in London, NC State, SVA, Oberlin College, IIT, Concordia University and the New School. In preparation for the program, Deb facilitated a multi-generational “Design Jam,” bringing a diverse group of people to brainstorm the key areas of concern and focus for the project. It’s a systems approach to working that brings designers, engineers and social scientists together to solve problems. “The challenge with complex teams is similar to having people from 5 countries come together who have different cultural norms. Engineers want to know where they are going. Designers are happy to jump into to ideas and see where they lead. Scientists are more focused on the impact than the product.” In the end, 40 people aged 9 to 82 came together and addressed key topics of today from “identity” to “mobilty” to “adaptability.”

Debera started at Pratt in the 1980s as an industrial design student after a successful career taking photographs of factories, which is how she fell in love with industrial design. She then went on to teach at her alma matter, Pratt and eventually, to become chair of the department. Coming as she does from an industrial design thought-space, allows her to approach design problems differently than traditional fashion designers. “For responsible design to matter, the TEK-TILES team is being asked to answer bigger questions designers don’t typically factor in such as: what is the compelling problem their garment will address? How will this product improve lives? And what kind of labor and industrial waste will this product create?  Does this product exclude or include people? “What we hear about most frequently these days is user centered design, but the user isn’t the only stakeholder. The environment is a stakeholder, technology is a stakeholder and all of these things need to be considered. Eventually, sustainability needs to be invisible, a natural part of our lives rather than a separate action or area of focus.”

Sustainable Fibers Library at the BF+DABrooklyn Fashion Design Accelerator

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