
Saturday, October 6, 2018

Melania Trump: Talk about my actions, not my fashion

Melania Trump shot back at critics Saturday, telling reporters she hoped people would talk more about her four-country trip to Africa and less about her fashion choices.

"That's very important what I do, what we're doing with U.S. aid, and what I do with my initiatives, and I wish people would focus on what I do, not what I wear," she said, per the Associated Press.

Trump, speaking to reporters in front of the Sphinx on Saturday, described her trip to Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, and Egypt as part of her signature "Be Best" initiative as "amazing."

While in Egypt, she visited the Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza to view preservation efforts backed by the U.S. The U.S. Agency for International Development, for which President Trump tried to cut funding by 33 percent earlier this year, has spent several years working with the Egyptian government to lower groundwater levels to prevent erosion and additional damage to the landmarks, according to the AP.

The first lady's fashion choices while in Africa have drawn criticism, especially a white pith helmet she donned in Kenya. The helmet is often perceived as a symbol of European colonial rule.

It's not the first time the first lady's wardrobe has drawn criticism. A jacket that read "I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO U?" she wore during a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border to visit children separated from their families after entering the country illegally drew widespread questions over the former model's fashion choices.

The message on the jacket was initially reported as being directed at critics of the visit, but her spokeswoman later said the focus should be on Melania Trump's efforts to help children and there was no hidden message.

Trump had shed the jacket by the time she arrived in Texas, much as she had changed from controversial high heels to sneakers by the time she arrived in Texas last year to visit hurricane victims. Her initiative is focused on the well-being of children.

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